Registration Help

Please Note:

You MUST ALLOW all Notifications during Registration.

  1. Click “Start”.
  2. Enter your User Information and Check “Terms and Conditions”.
  3. Click “Next” to Proceed.
  4. A Registration Code will be sent to your Phone. Enter this 4-Digit Number into the Box and click “Submit”.
  5. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST GO TO YOUR EMAIL NOW to Click on the Verification Link on the iVALT Email before you can Successfully Click on the “Next” Button on the Mobile Phone.
  6. After you Click on the Email Verification, you will get a Confirmation Message on your Screen (and you will receive an email as well).
  7. Click “Next” to Complete Your Registration (button is now enabled).
  8. You will receive a “Congratulations” page.
  9. Click on “Go to Home Page” to start Using the Mobile App.
  10. Uninstalling and Re-Installing the Mobile App can Help in Situations when Incorrect User Information is Entered.