Ivalt Ivalt
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iVALT's Solution is 5+ Factors in 1-Click.

✓ Mobile Biometrics PLUS "Context" Variables
✓ On-Demand ID™ Stops Fake Callers
✓ Optional Geofences and Time Windows
✓ Eliminates Inconvenient Typing of 2FA Digits
✓ Increases Cybersecurity ROIs by Up to 15X
✓ 6 Patents Granted, 10 Patents Pending

5-Factors to End Stolen Credentials and Fake Callers
  • Ivalt DEVICE ID
  • Ivalt LOCATION
  • Ivalt APP CODE

As Seen In

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A single click on a smartphone is all that is required to capture highly customizable combinations of biometrics, user attributes and dynamic endpoint variables, resulting in the strongest possible identity verification possible.

Stolen Credentials.

80-90% of all cybercrimes start with stolen credentials, a problem not addressed by the over $200B spent each year on cyber solutions. Identity in cybersecurity still uses archaic usernames and passwords that are static and easily stolen. Once stolen, access by hackers leads to data breaches, ransomware attacks and identity theft.  Eliminating credentials with dynamic identity factors is the key to stopping these threats.  iVALT provides a single, highly secure mobile identity (including biometrics and unknowable context variables) that can be used by anyone, for any application, at any time, and from any location.  Users gain control over every use of their identity and enterprises can use iVALT without replacing legacy systems.  All that is needed by enterprises is a simple software re-direct during the existing authentication process coupled with users installing the iVALT mobile app in 3 minutes.  Everything iVALT protects requires only 1-click on a mobile phone for identity verification.

One Solution for Everything.

iVALT was founded with the mission to develop a unified identity solution that would solve both the stolen credentials and caller identity challenges in a single mobile app with 1-click. A unified solution, controlled by the identity owners empowers them to ward off most identity attacks. It certainly stops delegation of identity security to hundreds of companies with which they have digital relationships with.  Mobility allows for identity verifications from anywhere and therefore, for everything (thousands of use cases to be discovered over time). iVALT embraces the enterprise ZERO TRUST approach of “trust nothing, verify everything”, where “everything” consists of one to five or more unique and customizable factors of identity.  These factors can be set by the enterprise or the individual users themselves and are independently verified for maximum security.  For some use cases, all this is required is biometrics.  In other use cases all five plus other identifiers can be added to iVALT’s identity verification.  Factors include mobile biometrics, registered device ID, locations (geofences), time (for only approved access times) as well as unique app codes that are only available to registered users. The combination of biometrics (in multiple forms), dynamic identifiers and user participation in every use of their identity is a formidable hacking challenge.

Social Engineering and Deepfake Callers.

Scam callers are on a steep rise. Since we are all learning “not to click on that”, email-based phishing attacks are declining. Now, hackers are increasingly shifting to phone-based phishing, where they use many techniques to manipulate people to share secure and private information (this is social engineering). For enterprises, this can be devastating, resulting in massive data breaches, ransomware attacks and customer identity theft. To make matters worse, there are no reliable technologies for identifying callers or text authors since faking CallerID and SIM fraud are easy.  iVALT provides a simple mobile app solution that empowers call recipients to demand the caller to identify themselves even while on the call. Ecosystems of users (employees, families, friends) can unite with iVALT to protect themselves. No infrastructure changes are required by enterprises to use iVALT as a reliable identifier between employees, for customer facing employees to identify themselves to customers, and for customers to identify themselves, all in 1-click.


With six patents granted and ten pending, iVALT is uniquely positioned to provide enterprises with the strongest level of identity verification and access management at scale. The key differentiation for iVALT is that there is no reliance hackable attributes of a person, not even biometrics or 2FA, since AI technology is already compromising biometric solutions and 2FA is being hacked every day. The identity market needs “disruption” as legacy systems of usernames and passwords are essentially the “old elephant in the corner” that expose static credentials to be stolen easily. All efforts to data involve adding inconvenience for the end user, more complexity for the enterprise, and these solutions are incompatible with one another.  iVALT’s mission from the start is to “disrupt” identity into something that cannot be stolen, requires an identity owner to be involved in every use of their identity, is easily integrated into existing and future authentication workflows and then make this identity useable by anyone, for anything, at any time and for any reason.  iVALT is the future of identity.

  • 6B+Smartphone IDs
  • 10+Biometric Modalities
  • 5B+GPS Locations
  • 5761Hr Time Slots
  • 40+Endpoint
  • 5.8M+Dynamic


Who? What? When? Where? and Why?

On-Demand ID answers all of these questions in 1-click. This is cornerstone of iVALT's identity verification solution. Using just a mobile number, anyone can provide proof of their identity or demand the identity of a person on the other end of a phone call. When someone identifies themselves, their 5+ factors are passed to the person on the connection or to the application they are accessing. In either case, the data sent by the mobile app can be used to definitively verify the person's identity.

  • Ivalt DEVICE ID
  • Ivalt LOCATION
  • Ivalt APP CODE

Authenticate Anywhere®



Install App

Search "iVALT"

Ivalt Ivalt

Go to: OnDemandID.com

And enter your cell number

+ Click on Notification
+ Use FaceID

See your
identity dimensions

+ Name (biometrics)
+ Device ID
+ GPS location
+ Time
+ App code
iVALT reveals the true identity, OnDemandID, of the person on the other end of any phone call regardless of the caller ID. For enterprise, OnDemandID is a powerful tool to protect against devastating and disruptive AI deepfake communications. iVALT “communities” of users, including friends, family and business associates can be created to allow each person to verify themselves and each other and even share location information. Callers not already using iVALT can register in just 3 minutes to protect against deepfakes.



Baldev Krishan Ph.D.

Founder and CEO

2X Nominated for “Entrepreneur of the Year” in Silicon Valley, 20 patents


Rowland Hanson

CMO & Strategy

Former VP Corporate Communication: Microsoft, Acclaimed for Branding Windows


Brian Stout

Co-Founder and CPO

25+ years CXO Mobile, Internet, SaaS – Startups through Exit


Gary Potts


30+ years as CFO Specializing in Financial Strategy and Execution in startups and Growth Companies


Matt Solerno


20+ Years Cloud Arch, Security & Scale, Multiple Startups (CTO)


Marc Ricker

EVP Business Development

30+ years Exec Sales & Marketing for Media, Software & Technology


Bill Worthington

Chief Security Officer

10+ Years US Military Intel 15 years CIO and CSO with Fortune 500 Companies


Ashish Goel

Development Team Manager

20+ years of Business and Dev Team Management